Meet…Melissa Crabtree

Melissa Crabtree is a licensed conveyancer at Holden Smith

What is your role at Holden Smith and how did you get into a career in law?

I am licensed conveyancer at Holden Smith.  I really didn’t imagine a career in law as I was only taking a year out of studying and got myself a junior assistant role at a solicitor’s firm.  I ended up taking a shine to conveyancing and actually found it quite interesting!

What are we likely to find you doing on a day-to-day basis?

One word…conveyancing!

What kind of problem might you solve on a typical day / week?

Well, I would like to say something work related, but actually it’s usually stopping my children from falling out (they’re aged 5 and 2).

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

Completing a matter, especially for clients who are excited for their first homes.

Tell us what makes Holden Smith different…

We work with up-to-date technology and the directors are very approachable.

What three words do you think (hope!) your colleagues would use to describe you?

Proactive, energetic and thorough (my assistant answered this one!)

What are we most likely to find you doing when you’re not at work?

Walking, spending time with my children and sorting my many animals.

What’s your favourite spot in Yorkshire and why?

I am going to be sad here and say my home.

What’s your party trick?

I can sneeze with my eyes open!


How much are solicitors’ fees when buying a house? And what does a conveyancer actually do?


Meet…Alex Jones