Meet…Jess McKenzie

Jess McKenzie is head of new build at Holden Smith

What is your role at Holden Smith and how did you get into a career in law?

I’m Head of New Build Property.  I started my career in law working as an office junior age 16! I went to college part-time, and studied ILex followed by the Council for Licensed Conveyancers course.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

It has to be completion! I enjoy letting my clients know they can collect the keys to their new property. I also enjoy meeting new people – in fact, most of my referrers are now my best friends, too!

What is your number one career highlight to date?

Becoming a panel lawyer for large developer clients, and also winning new business.

Tell us what makes Holden Smith different…

The directors are supportive and very ambitious, which is highly motivating.

What three words do you think (hope!) your colleagues would use to describe you?

Calm, helpful and dedicated.

What are we most likely to find you doing when you’re not at work?

In the pub…can I say that?! I have recently taken up golf again though, so maybe that sounds better!

What’s your favourite spot in Yorkshire and why?

Silsden, where I live. It has everything you need - countryside, pubs, restaurants, and even a supermarket.  There is no need to ever leave!

If you could change any law in the world, what would it be – and why?

The Dangerous Dog Act.  I love dogs, and believe in nurture over nature.


What do I need to consider when buying a new build property? And why should I use a specialist new build solicitor?


Emley Show 2022