A Coffee With… Lucy Warburton

Which person has inspired you the most in your life, and why?

My mum and dad. They have built a business from scratch and it inspires me to always work harder and strive for the best.

What is your proudest career achievement to date?

Definitely being made a fee earner last February! Proudest and biggest achievement to date, closely followed by graduating with my Law Degree.

What time of day do you like to drink your coffee (or tea)?

As soon as I get in to the office, I can’t get started without a big cup of tea.

What’s your favourite snack to have with your coffee or tea?

Digestives, our branch LOVES them!

Which famous person would you most like to have a coffee with, and why?

I am a big country music fan so it would have to be Luke Coombs, purely just to tell him how cool he is.

How do you relax away from work?

I love the gym, so spend a lot of time out of work there. Me and my partner are also big Rugby union and league fans so its usually a Leeds Rhinos or Cleckheaton RUFC game at the weekend.


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